About Us

By today, as the result of continuous growth, the company offers its products and services in industry, agriculture, transportation, engine construction and their repair fields. Szakálfém LTD's machine and railway vehicle parts manufacturing factory, which has been in the business of railway vehicle parts manufacturing since 1974, is a member of the group.
The factory's activities today include the following:
  • light- and medium-weight (max. 5t) welded steel rig and grated support manufacture,
  • rigs made using increased flow-limit materials,
  • unique and limited series machines, drive-gears, machine parts manufacture,
  • manufacture of diverse parts with traditional and CNC-controlled cutting machinery and processing centers,
  • manufacture of water and drainage tanks used in railway cars,
  • manufacture of tanks made of carbon- and rust-proof steel,
  • manufacture of unique and limited series machines, equipment, and tools from design to delivery.
Szakálfém LTD. ensures the quality of its products with continuous production monitoring. The factory has ISO 9001:2000, ISO EN3834-2 and DIN 6700-2 certification.
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